Note: All groups and workshops have limited spaces, please contact me to confirm your place.

For forthcoming event dates, full information and event photo see the calendar.

You can also find out more about my therapies here

Mind Body Spirit Fairs

I have been running MBS events for 6 years. I love bringing people together and sharing collective knowledge. Some venues have space for ‘talks’ throughout the day, which are always interesting and furthering the knowledge evermore on different topics.

My fairs have always been well supported by the traders, therapists and readers, as well as the public, and I have had some fantastic feedback on how well my fairs are organised. I take great pride in making sure everything is in order and that my traders and the public are all looked after to the best of my ability, before and during the event. All efforts are made to ensure the fairs are advertised as well as can be legally possible. I am also conscious about offering a good variety of stalls at the fairs to benefit both the public and the traders. The energies on the day are always amazing; an accumulation of happy traders and visitors lifting the vibrations and enhancing peace and harmony throughout the day for everyone.

Forthcoming events:

CHRISTMAS MIND BODY & SOUL FAIR - 19th November 2023 - at The Rufus Centre, Flitwick, Bedfordshire MK45 1AH

Also coming soon, more intimate pamper evenings - dates TBC please get in touch if you’d like to be contacted when the pamper evening details are announced.