Note: All groups and workshops have limited spaces, please contact me to confirm your place.

For forthcoming event dates, full information and event photo see the calendar.

You can also find out more about my therapies here

Spiritual Development Circles

I started attending a spiritual development group in 2007 and received so much healing, and my own spiritual connection has grown so much during that time. Then after six years of sitting in circle I was given a chance to run a circle group for a year with a friend and the joy I get from watching people develop and often connect to the spirit world for the first time is incredible. The shifts in confidence in people's day-to-day life is incredible. I then subsequently started spiritual development circles from my own home and have always been in awe of Spirit and my students as they gain confidence and further ‘grow and develop’ on their own journeys….. just amazing!

My Cabin Lower Stondon -

Thursday 10am -12 noon (weekly) (intermediates - advanced)

Thursday 7.45pm - 9.45pm (weekly) (Beginners - intermediates)

I will consider Wednesday day time if enough people can attend. A minimum of 6 people is required in each group.

Please contact me to discuss and book in your space as places are limited.

What is a Spiritual Development Circle?

It is a weekly meeting of like-minded people who will gather for the sole purpose of developing their psychic and spiritual abilities, to develop their awareness of Spirit, Guides, Ascended Masters, Angels and Goddesses and to enhance their Higher-Self/soul journeys purpose. These groups can also improve your confidence as you become aware of your own abilities and learn to trust your instincts in everyday situations.

Who can go to a Spiritual Development Circle?

These groups are ideal for people who wish to develop and enhance their own psychic and mediumistic abilities and to explore the realms of the Ascended Masters, Angels and Goddesses, and whom have a general interest in the subject.

What happens in a Spiritual Development Circle?

There are many tools that can be used to develop your own spiritual growth and development. You will learn about Energy and Chakra points, Protection, Grounding, the difference between being a Psychic and a Medium, how to meditate and the importance of Meditation for your spiritual growth. Each week will be different from the week before and there will be many different ‘exercises’ to help your development. I must stress these are always good fun and laughter is also essential to raise the energies of Spirit! There will be a Meditation each week, which helps with relaxation, and also helps to develop your ‘Clairs’ senses and your ability to connect with Spirit, your Guides and other Higher Beings.

I will work with you to further develop your various Senses and Confidence to such a level that you will be able to work giving Private Readings, work on Platform, and give Healing if you so wish, or just use your abilities to help friends and yourself. All these are yours if you wish to take the next step forward in your journey.

To develop your awareness of Spirit requires Time, Dedication, Self Control, Trust and a Clear Open Mind.

If you are interested in developing please email me.